Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Written Discussion 7

Written Discussion 7

Q After you have uploaded the video recording of your note cards, choose one of the following prompts and develop a 10-12 sentence paragraph discussing-- 1. Why you feel confident using note cards to give your speech. (Reflect on what you learned this week and explain your response.) OR 2. What concerns you most about using note cards when giving your speech. (Reflect on what you learned this week and explain your response.) OR 3. What you consider the most valuable tip for developing or using note cards to deliver an extemporaneous speech. (Reflect on what you learned this week and explain your response.) As you respond to one of these prompts, make sure you balance you own personal perspective along with the supportive materials found in this week's reading and videos. We want to hear the connections you made to what you learned about developing and using note cards in an extemporaneous speech. Finally, make sure you spend time reviewing as many of your classmates' responses as possible. Then comment on at least 3 of them. Provide support and affirmation. Challenge each other. Encourage each other. ___________________________________ Now, after you've submitted your responses here, you'll want to spend the rest of the week practicing. Practice using your note cards a lot! You'll be using them while you present your speech in the final module. Remember: When you record your Persuasive Values Speech, you will not be permitted to use your outline and you will not be permitted to record yourself glancing away from the camera to look at your outline. Likewise, you cannot use the computer screen to read your outline, and you are also not encouraged to memorize your speech. Please realize also that you will be asked to re-record your speech if you edit any part of your video. You will not be given credit for a speech that stops and starts. Your presentation must be uploaded as one continuous speech. Likewise, the syllabus states that you will only receive credit for presenting an extemporaneous speech. This means you cannot improvise (make it up as you go along) and you cannot give a manuscript presentation (as previously mentioned you will not be permitted to use your outline to simply read). You have had the opportunity during these past weeks to fully prepare, research, outline, and then break your outline down to note cards (using keywords and phrase, NOT complete sentences). Bottom line: You are expected to present your Persuasive Values Speech using your note cards (and a conversational style of language) while making direct eye contact with the camera lens and incorporating gestures, facial expressions, and body language. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me through Canvas Inbox.

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The most valuable tip to use notecards would be that it helps in remembering the key points. The main problems in the extemporaneous speech are that speaker forgets the main points and often gets distracted from the main topic. With the note cards, one can easily keep in mind what he/she is going to address. These notecards indeed accelerate the relationship of the speaker with their listeners. It does not look like that the speaker does not know what they are going to deliver.